Kubernetes WAF Version 1.9.0
This version includes the following new capabilities:
License Metering
In this version, a new licensing model is introduced based on the total transactions per month and the number of policy profiles used.
API Security
Support of new parameter types in the API Protection engine is added.
Previously, only the parameter types: string, integer, Boolean, and number were supported. KWAF now supports all parameter types and can enforce the positive security validations on schema with complex parameter types, such as arrays and objects, and combined methods like “AnyOf”, “OneOf”, “AllOf” and “Not”.
HTTP Headers Inspection with Expression Engine
KWAF supports inspection of HTTP Headers with the Expression Engine. All attacks based on expressions, such as injection or Cross-Site Scripting, are blocked for any request.
New User Interface
In this version, we started to redesign the KWAF User Experience.
The new UI features include:
A new "look and feel"
A new menu bar
A new landing page, including:
Controller information
Profile status
Top Attacked profiles
Security Events Critically
Application Attack Geo-map
Threat Distribution per Source Group
Security Event Distribution